Four Benefits of Outfitting Your Fleet with Dash Cams

Dash cam
Dash cams have gained prominence in a number of industries and the private sector as a way to make sure everyone involved in an incident plays it straight. What was first generally a tool of law enforcement to document encounters with the public have now become a staple piece of equipment for any vehicle-driven industry. In-vehicle video protects drivers, passengers and bystanders by documenting the behavior and actions of everyone involved. Here are three ways fleet cameras can save your day if you are involved in a driving-related incident.

Evidence of Your Actions in an Accident

They say truth is the first casualty of war and that is true, but it’s also the first casualty of vehicle accidents unless there is irrefutable documentation of everyone’s behavior. Fleet camera systems provide that documentation, especially if they have multiple camera views. Even the possibility of an incident being recorded is enough, in most cases, to convince everyone involved to play it straight when it comes to what happened.

Sophisticated Tools

Dash cams used to record straight ahead with bad sound and often sketchy picture quality. Today’s fleet driving cameras are those old dash cams grown up. Integrated GPS, voice warnings for unsafe driving, road and passenger video feeds, real-time driving monitoring are just a few of the many benefits of today’s dash cam. In many models, utilizing Wi-Fi allows for a vehicle’s actions to be sent directly to the company that owns the vehicle and completely rules out the point of trying to tamper with the camera.


If your industry is vehicle-driven, you know that insurance companies will give you discounts for many anti-theft and fraud actions you take. Fleet cameras are just one way and, in many cases, insurance policies require them to be installed in any public vehicle. This cuts down on the exposure an insurance company possesses and it informs them as to the strategy to pursue when an incident occurs.

Fraud Deterrence

Accusing a driver of inappropriate behavior or trying to shift blame for an accident is unfortunately many people’s first instinct. Dash cams eliminate that possibility almost entirely. With a dash cam, the entire trip is recorded, both in and out of the vehicle.

Fleet cameras are the latest defense for your drivers against those who would make false claims. They document incidents, behaviors, interactions and conversations. Making sure your fleet is equipped with the latest in camera technology is one way of protecting yourself, your company and your drivers.

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